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Welcome to Lifekeys

We're here to help show you how life can be better

Support Group Meeting


At Lifekeys, we believe that true growth comes from an encounter with truth. That's why we've designed Bible-based courses that emphasise personal encounters with Jesus. Through the support and encouragement of a small group, participants are invited to explore their faith on a deeper level. Our courses are led by experienced facilitators who blend biblical teaching with personal reflection and group discussion. Come join us and experience spiritual growth in a community of like-minded believers.

Help Us Deliver Online Content

As more and more content becomes available online, we need to help people access our courses online. We need your support to do this, as converting courses traditionally delivered face-to-face to something equally impactful can be costly. If you've been blessed by one of our courses, please consider paying it forward to the next generation of Lifekeys participants. All funds will be directed to online and video generation for Young Valiant Man, Valiant Man, Woman to Woman and Making Marriage Better, to name just a few.

Lifekeys in Partnership with Neuma Church

Neuma is excited to partner with Dr Allan and Helen Meyer and their transformative ministry of LifeKeys. With over 30 years of leadership experience (including 26 years of church leadership), they have created these courses to help facilitate restoration, discipleship and continued growth in becoming mature in Christ.

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