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Facilitator & Leadership Training

About the Course

Developing Effective Group Leaders

The Small Group & Facilitator Training program is a comprehensive leadership development tool designed to equip leaders of various small groups with essential skills for discipleship, pastoral care, and evangelism. This course fosters personal growth, skills development, and a deep understanding of the core issues faced in group settings. It prepares leaders to be confident, understand relationship and spiritual dynamics, and create an effective group atmosphere conducive to growth in Christ.

Program Overview:

Focused on developing leaders who are enthusiastic and competent in guiding others towards their full potential in Christ, this course includes teachings on discipleship, restoration, and practical demonstrations of small group skills.

Essential Materials:

  • Training Manual: An indispensable resource for trainees, including intervention skills and adaptable tools for various small group environments.

Session Overview:

  1. Introduction (Valuable Recruiting Tool, Optional for Training):

    • Laying a theological foundation for restorative ministry, addressing the need for training, and discussing the implementation of Lifekeys programs in churches.

  2. Leading People into the Blessing of God:

    • Describing elements of discipleship and restoration, exploring the small group leader/facilitator role, focusing on the Arena of Healing, and discussing group stages with a demonstration.

  3. Core Issues in Growth:

    • Examining recurring human struggles, core needs origins, learning by reflection, and humanity's fall consequences, including a group formation demonstration.

  4. Shame, Guilt, and the Cycle of Addiction:

    • Differentiating between shame and guilt, exploring protective behaviours, outlining the addiction cycle, and addressing shaming consequences with a session-closing demonstration.

  5. The Influence of Family:

    • Examining family system significance, family dysfunction causes, and functional vs. dysfunctional family dynamics, concluding with a demonstration on handling group challenges.

  6. Grief and the Small Group:

    • Exploring grief and its healing process, understanding grief responses, and managing sensitive issues in group settings, with a demonstration on handling grief.

  7. Keys to Discipleship and Restoration:

    • Discussing the rebuilding process through prayer, forgiveness, God's Word, Spirit-inspired imagination, breaking spiritual bondage, and a demonstration on prayer handling.

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